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W majówkę (1-5 Maja) sklep będzie nieczynny, a wszystkie zamówienia zaczną być realizowane od 06.05, przepraszamy za utrudnienia.
TEL. 42 239 41 77
17,25 €

Curtain BackdropFreePower DECOR 88x118cmcircle shape, C03 Wine Red

Decorative curtain with a cut-out circle pattern. Background dimensions: 88x118cm. Wine Red color

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
17,25 €

Curtain BackdropFreePower DECOR 88x118cmcircle shape, C04 Green

Decorative curtain with a cut-out circle pattern. Background dimensions: 88x118cm. Green color

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
17,25 €

Curtain BackdropFreePower DECOR 88x118cmcircle shape, C05 Turquoise

Decorative curtain with a cut-out circle pattern. Background dimensions: 88x118cm. Turquoise color

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
17,25 €

Curtain BackdropFreePower DECOR 88x118cmcircle shape, C06 Black

Decorative curtain with a cut-out circle pattern. Background dimensions: 88x118cm. Black color

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
17,25 €

Curtain BackdropFreePower DECOR 88x118cmcircle shape, C07 White

Decorative curtain with a cut-out circle pattern. Background dimensions: 88x118cm. White color

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
17,25 €

Curtain BackdropFreePower DECOR 88x118cmcircle shape, C08 Coffee

Decorative curtain with a cut-out circle pattern. Background dimensions: 88x118cm. Coffee color

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
21,75 €

Foil BackdropFreePower MIRROR 120x180cmBlue / Silver

Double-sided, reflective foil background. Background dimensions: 120x180cm. Surface color: blue / silver

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
21,75 €

Foil BackdropFreePower MIRROR 120x180cmChampagne / Silver

Double-sided, reflective foil background. Background dimensions: 120x180cm. Surface color: champagne / silver

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
21,75 €

Foil BackdropFreePower MIRROR 120x180cmGold / Silver

Double-sided, reflective foil background. Background dimensions: 120x180cm. Surface color: gold / silver

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
21,75 €

Foil BackdropFreePower MIRROR 120x180cmLight Gold / Silver

Double-sided, reflective foil background. Background dimensions: 120x180cm. Surface color: light gold / silver

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
21,75 €

Foil BackdropFreePower MIRROR 120x180cmWine / Silver

Double-sided, reflective foil background. Background dimensions: 120x180cm. Surface color: wine / silver

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
7,75 €

Photographic backgroundPolypropylene FreePower1,6m x 3m

The polypropylene photographic background 1,6 x 3m, for studio and outdoor. Owing to durability of polypropylene material the backgrounds are easy to keep clean

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
7,75 €

PVC photo backgroundJinbei 60x130cm

The PVC background 60x130cm. 11 colours to choose.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
9,00 €

PVC photo backgroundJinbei 100x200cm

The PVC background 100x200cm. 9 colours to choose.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
10,00 €

High quality backgroundFreePower1,6m x 5m

High quality photographic background 1,6 x 5 meters NOTE!!! This background in regard for dimmensions, can not be send abroad! The exception is Ireland

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
15 of 70 products were shownpage: 123...5z 5
kontakt-telefonicznytelefon:42 239 41 77
JAK DO NAS TRAFIĆ:Sklep fotograficzny
Łódź, Pomorska 41
PN-PT: 8:30 - 16:30
SB/ND: nieczynne
KORESPONDENCJAFreepers Spółka Cywilna
90-203 Łódź, ul. Pomorska 41
NIP: 7251953528
KONTO BANKOWE (Money transfer data):PKO BP: 34 1020 1068 0000 1202 0370 8740 - przelewy krajowe, PLN PKO BP: PL 25 1020 1068 0000 1102 0370 8757 - zagraniczne, EURO currency
FREEPERS S.C., Pomorska 41
Numer konta PKO BP (krajowe): 34 1020 1068 0000 1202 0370 8740
Numer konta PKO BP (zagraniczne, EURO money transfer): PL 25 1020 1068 0000 1102 0370 8757 - BIC/SWIFT CODE: BPKOPLPW