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Background Type

2,50 €

Paper photoFreePowerbackground sheet

Paper photo background High quality fine-grained, not causing reflections, mat paper background, perfect for video and photography.

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4,00 €

Background paper sheetFreePowerMultiple colors to choose

Cardboard 100x70cm. The perfect solution for photographing small items

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4,75 €

Two-sided photo BackdropFreePower MR57x87cm

Two-sided photo background sheet. Dimensions: 57 x 87 cm. 10 variable colors.

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15,00 €

Paper BackgroundFreePower 1,35 x 5m

Paper Background 1,35 x 5m available in the most popular colors. Wound on a cardboard tube.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
28,75 €

Paper backgroundFreepower 2,72 x 5m3 colours to choose

High quality paper background 2,72 x 5m Freepower, available in 3 most popular colours - grey, black and white. The Freepower backgrounds quality is equal

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28,75 €

Paper BackgroundFreePower 1,35 x 10m

Paper Background 1,35 x 5m available in the most popular colors. Wound on a cardboard tube.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
32,25 €

Seamless Paper BackgroundSavage Widetone USA1,35x5,5m

Seamless Paper Background SAVAGE WIDETONE 1,35 x 11 m Since 1937, Savage Universal Corporation has been manufacturing professional products for the creative

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
39,75 €

Seamless Paper BackgroundSavage Widetone USA2,20x5,5m

Seamless Paper Background SAVAGE WIDETONE 2,20 x 11 m NOTE!!! This background in regard for dimmensions, can not be send abroad! The exception is Ireland

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
42,25 €

Seamless Paper BackgroundSavage Widetone USA2,72x5,5m

Seamless Paper Background SAVAGE WIDETONE 2,72 x 11 m NOTE!!! This background in regard for dimmensions, can not be send abroad! The exception is Ireland

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
52,25 €

Paper backgroundFreepower 2,72 x 10m3 colours to choose

High quality paper background 2,72 x 10m Freepower, available in 3 most popular colours - grey, black and white. The Freepower backgrounds quality equal

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
56,50 €

Seamless Paper BackgroundSavage Widetone USA1,35x11m

Seamless Paper Background SAVAGE WIDETONE 1,35 x 11 m Since 1937, Savage Universal Corporation has been manufacturing professional products for the creative

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
67,25 €

Paper backgroundColorama 1,35 x 11 mchoise of many colours

High quality paper background with non-reflective surface. Wide range of colour options. 1,35 x 11 m.

Wysyłka 5-7 dni
74,75 €

Seamless Paper BackgroundSavage Widetone USA2,72x11m

Seamless Paper Background SAVAGE WIDETONE 2,72 x 11 m NOTE!!! This background in regard for dimmensions, can not be send abroad! The exception is Ireland

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
92,25 €

Paper backgroundColorama 2,18 x 11 mchoise of 10 colours

High quality paper background with non-reflective surface. Available in 10 most popular colors. 2,18 x 11 m.

Wysyłka 5-7 dni
15 of 22 products were shownpage: 12z 2
kontakt-telefonicznytelefon:42 239 41 77
JAK DO NAS TRAFIĆ:Sklep fotograficzny
Łódź, Pomorska 41
PN-PT: 8:30 - 16:30
SB/ND: nieczynne
KORESPONDENCJAFreepers Spółka Cywilna
90-203 Łódź, ul. Pomorska 41
NIP: 7251953528
KONTO BANKOWE (Money transfer data):PKO BP: 34 1020 1068 0000 1202 0370 8740 - przelewy krajowe, PLN PKO BP: PL 25 1020 1068 0000 1102 0370 8757 - zagraniczne, EURO currency
FREEPERS S.C., Pomorska 41
Numer konta PKO BP (krajowe): 34 1020 1068 0000 1202 0370 8740
Numer konta PKO BP (zagraniczne, EURO money transfer): PL 25 1020 1068 0000 1102 0370 8757 - BIC/SWIFT CODE: BPKOPLPW