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W majówkę (1-5 Maja) sklep będzie nieczynny, a wszystkie zamówienia zaczną być realizowane od 06.05, przepraszamy za utrudnienia.
TEL. 42 239 41 77
4,75 €

Step Down RingFreePower 82-72 mm

Special ring adapter that allows you to mount your decreased diameter lens accessories such as filters, adapters.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,75 €

Step UP RingFreePower72 on 82 mm

This adapter enables a filter with an attachment size of 82mm to be used with a lens with an attachment size of 72mm.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,75 €

Step UP RingFreePower67 on 77 mm

This adapter enables a filter with an attachment size of 77mm to be used with a lens with an attachment size of 67mm.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Powiadom o dostępności >
4,75 €

Step UP RingFreePower67 on 72 mm

This adapter enables a filter with an attachment size of 72mm to be used with a lens with an attachment size of 67mm.

Goods temporarily unavailable
Produkt chwilowo niedostępny
Powiadom o dostępności >
4,75 €

Step Down RingFreePower82 on 77 mm

Step Down Ring 82 na 77 mm. This adapter enables a filter with an attachment size of 77mm to be used with a lens with an attachment size of 82mm.

Goods temporarily unavailable
4,75 €

Step UP RingFreePower77 on 82 mm

Step UP Ring 77 na 82 mm. This adapter enables a filter with an attachment size of 82mm to be used with a lens with an attachment size of 77mm.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,75 €

Step UP RingFreePower72 on 77 mm

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,75 €

Step UP RingFreePower82 on 86 mm

Step UP Ring 82 na 86 mm. This adapter enables a filter with an attachment size of 86mm to be used with a lens with an attachment size of 82mm.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,25 €

Step Down Ring AdapterFreePower 77-55 mm

Step Up ring allows to use 55 mm filters on 77 mm thread size of lens.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,25 €

Step Down RingFreePower 77-52 mm

Special ring adapter that allows you to mount your decreased diameter lens accessories such as filters, adapters.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,25 €

Step Down RingFreePower77 to 67 mm

Step Down Ring 77 to 67 mm This adapter allows to use 67mm filter with 77mm lens, or use 67mm reverse mounting ring with 77mm lenses.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,25 €

Step Down Ring67 to 62 mmFreePower

Step Down Ring 67 to 62 mm This adapter allows to use 62mm filter with 67mm lens, or use 62mm reverse mounting ring with 67mm lenses.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,25 €

Step Down Ring 77 to 58 mm FreePower

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,25 €

Step Down RingFreePower58 to 55 mm

Step Down Ring 58 na 55 mm This adapter allows to use 55mm filter with 58mm lens, or use 55mm reverse mounting ring with 58mm lenses.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
15 of 53 products were shownpage: 123...4z 4
kontakt-telefonicznytelefon:42 239 41 77
JAK DO NAS TRAFIĆ:Sklep fotograficzny
Łódź, Pomorska 41
PN-PT: 8:30 - 16:30
SB/ND: nieczynne
KORESPONDENCJAFreepers Spółka Cywilna
90-203 Łódź, ul. Pomorska 41
NIP: 7251953528
KONTO BANKOWE (Money transfer data):PKO BP: 34 1020 1068 0000 1202 0370 8740 - przelewy krajowe, PLN PKO BP: PL 25 1020 1068 0000 1102 0370 8757 - zagraniczne, EURO currency
FREEPERS S.C., Pomorska 41
Numer konta PKO BP (krajowe): 34 1020 1068 0000 1202 0370 8740
Numer konta PKO BP (zagraniczne, EURO money transfer): PL 25 1020 1068 0000 1102 0370 8757 - BIC/SWIFT CODE: BPKOPLPW