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W majówkę (1-5 Maja) sklep będzie nieczynny, a wszystkie zamówienia zaczną być realizowane od 06.05, przepraszamy za utrudnienia.
TEL. 42 239 41 77
3,50 €

Polycarbonate covers kitJJCfor Canon Canon PowerShot SX60

The LCD cover for Canon PowerShot G7 X cameras, protecting camera screen aganist dirt and scratches, and also reducing shinines on LCD surface.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
8,75 €

LCD tempered glass coverGGSfor Canon 1000D

Temepred glass LCD cover protecting camera screen from damage, scratches and dirt. Made for Canon 1000D.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
9,75 €

LCD Cover tempered glassFreePowerfor Canon 600D

LCD Cover Canon EOS 600D tempered glass Tempered glass LCD protection for Canon EOS 600D. Six-layer glass protect LCD display aganist damages, scratches,

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
11,00 €

LCD coverLarmorfor Canon G1X

LCD glass cover glue free montage Camon G1x New GGS Larmor product line of LCD covers and one of the best available on market.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
3,75 €

LCD guard filmJJC Canon SX720 HSpolycarbonate

Kit of 2 LCD guard film for Canon SX720 HS, SX710 HS i SX610HS cameras.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,75 €

LCD CoverFreePowerfor Canon 1000D

LCD Cover for Canon 1000D. Made of high quality plastic - with excellent transparency.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
4,75 €

LCD polycarbonate coverFreePowerfor Canon EOS M

LCD cover polycarbonate for Canon EOS M LCD cover for Canon EOS M made from high quality polycarbonate plastic.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
6,25 €

LCD CoverFreePowerfor Canon 500D

LCD Cover for Canon 500D. Made of high quality plastic - with excellent transparency.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
3,50 €

LCD protectorJJC LCP-200Dpolycarbonate

The kit of 2 polycarbonate LCD protectors for CANON EOS 200D, Rebel SL2, Kiss X9.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
7,75 €

LCD coverGGS III generationfor Canon 1100D

LCD cover GGS III generation for Canon 1100D Oryginal LCD cover GGS, III generation. LCD cover made from 6-layered tempered glass.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
14,75 €

LCD coverGGS III generationfor Canon 1D Mark IV

LCD cover GGS III generation for Canon 1D Mark IV Oryginal LCD cover GGS, III generation. LCD cover made from 6-layered tempered glass.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
6,25 €

LCD coverGGSfor Canon EOS 550D GGS III

Oryginal LCD cover GGS III generation for Canon EOS 550D Oryginal LCD cover GGS, III generation. LCD cover made from 6-layered tempered glass.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
7,25 €

LCD CoverFreePowerfor Canon 550D

LCD Cover for Canon 550D, Rebel T2i, KissX4. Made of high quality plastic.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
15 of 47 products were shownpage: 123...4z 4
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