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TEL. 42 239 41 77
28,00 €

Radio remote controlJJC JM-B(II)Nikon, Kodak DCS 14n, Fuji S3pro

Equivalent of Nikon MC-30, MC-36, MC-30A. Instant triggering, 5s delay and 3 shots serie, bulb.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
29,75 €

Radio remote controlJJC JM-M(II)Nikon D90 D3100 D5000 D7000

Equivalent of MC-DC2. Instant triggering, 5s delay, 3 shots serie.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
31,25 €

Radio remote controlJJC JM-C(II)for Canon, Pentax

Equivalent of CANON RS-60E3, PENTAX CS-205. 0s, 5s and continuous triggering modes. 16 channels.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
35,00 €

Radio remote controlJJC JM-D(II)Panasonic Leica

Equivalent of DMW-RS1. 0s, 5s and continuous triggering modes. 16 channels.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
46,25 €

Wireless Remote ControlJJC BTR-N1Replaces Nikon ML-L7

Radio remote control for Nikon cameras. 10m radio signal range.

Goods in stock, ready to send in 24h
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kontakt-telefonicznytelefon:42 239 41 77
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